In 2012, a jury sided almost entirely with Apple and ordered Samsung to pay$ 1bn in damages for infringing another group of smartphone patents, although the award was later reduced to$ 930m. 在2012年的那场诉讼中,陪审团几乎完全倒向苹果,裁决三星侵犯了苹果另一组智能手机专利,支付10亿美元赔偿金,不过这一赔偿金额在随后减少到9.3亿美元。
I would gladly pay forty crowns for my boots even though I could obtain boots for ten crowns at another store. 我高高兴兴为我的靴子付了40克朗宁,虽然在另外一家铺子里用10个克朗宁就能买到一双。
Under the scheme, customers agree to pay a price only to discover that there is a charge for delivery; another charge for paying by credit card, and another for insurance. 他们发现,最缺德的花招要算是水滴定价。在这种招数中,消费者同意支付一个价格,但不成想随后送货要收费;使用信用卡支付也要收费,另外还有保险费。
You will have to pay a small fee for using another bank's ATM machine. 若使用别家银行的自动柜员机,就要付一点费用。
It discovered consumers were willing to pay$ 400 for an XO the price meant another XO would be given free to a developing-world child. 它发现,消费者愿意花400美元买一台xo这一售价意味着另一台xo将免费赠给发展中国家的孩子。
The special attention apple is awarding game developers could pay off double if Apple uses them for another expected move in hardware, to a touch-screen tablet computer or netbook. 如果苹果在硬件方面的又一个预期举措开发触摸屏超薄电脑或上网本中用到这些游戏开发商,那么它给予开发者的特别关注可能会获得双重回报。
A payroll tax imposed to pay for a 10 per cent rise in pensions this year has embroiled the cabinet and the Kremlin in another row. 今年,为了提高退休金10%而开征的一项工资税,已经在内阁和克里姆林宫之间掀起了一番争执。
Under the Labour Law, an employer is required to pay compensation for an employee's non-compete restrictive covenant, however, the sum payable, currently varies from one region to another. 根据劳动法,雇主必须就雇员的竞业禁止限制契诺支付补偿金,但须支付的数额目前是因地而异的。
So the country that has more silk exports the surplus to earn foreign exchange to pay for the airplanes it imports from another country that has more airplanes. 于是这个盛产丝绸的国家就会出口多余的丝绸来赚取外汇。以支付它从那个拥有过多飞机的国家进日飞机的款项。
She soon had enough money to pay for some of the cost of a plane of her own, another old Curtiss Jenny. 不久,她有足够的钱支付的是她自己的飞机,另一个老柯蒂斯珍妮一些代价。
After completion of half the required resignation notice period the employee will be allowed time off with full pay to look for another job. 在规定的辞职通知期结束一半之后,该员工将获得全薪休假以寻找另一份工作。
When the older couple went to pay for their meal, they were informed that another guest had paid for it. (昨晚)当那对年长的夫妇用完餐要付账的时候,却被告知另外一位客人已经替他们付过了。
To pay 200 percent of the usual wage for work during rest days if the rest could not be delayed to another time. (二)休息日安排劳动者工作又不能安排补休的,支付不低于工资的百分之二百的工资报酬;
At the end of2006, Belarusian resistance to Russia's demand that it too pay more for gas threatened to unleash another so-called "gas war". 2006年底,俄罗斯要对销往白俄罗斯的天然气涨价,白俄罗斯人对此了抵制,新一轮所谓的“天然气之战”一触即发。
Many countries pay more attention for the right of Network expression, with the Constitution and relevant laws and regulations, their citizens enjoy full freedom to express when using the Internet and without intervention of another person or public authority. 世界上许多国家对于网络表达权投注了较大的关注,通过宪法与相关法律法规的规定,使公民在运用网络进行表达的过程中享有充分的自由权,不受他人或公权力的干预。
This research, different with some scholars put the emphases on the operation process of urban design in recent years, pay more attention to the essential contents of urban design, for another word, what conditions can urban design provides to make an attractive, characteristic place. 与近年来不少学者将城市设计的运作过程作为研究重点有所不同的是,本研究更为关注城市设计的实质性内容,即城市设计提供何种条件,才能造就有特色的、富有吸引力的城市环境。
Recently people pay great attention on the minimum wage system since for one thing, capital of laborers in many regions of China is higher; for another, rising consumer price index ( CPI) makes such regions face the adjustment of standard of the minimum wage. 最低工资制度在近期受到了很多的关注,一方面是由于中国很多地区的劳动力成本在不断上升,另一方面最近居民消费指数的上升也使很多地区面临对最低工资标准进行调整的问题。